Seven seconds
That’s how long you have to make a first impression. Your texts are your calling card. Your reputation, and your company’s reputation, depend on them. If you’re serious about and dedicated to your project, your words should be too, and for that you need an expert.
Have you ever read a badly translated instruction manual or corporate document? Communication that doesn’t meet its objectives creates a bad impression. And that’s not something you want for you or for your clients.
To avoid this you need someone who understands who you are, what you offer and what you want to transmit. Who completely understands the social and cultural context of the market your business is targeting.
That someone is CLAK, and together we can make your words work for you and your clients.
Your brand image abroad depends on using the right terms and tone for the culture in your target market. Being understood isn’t always enough; you need to connect. Both marketing and technical and corporate texts need nuance, subtly and the correct terminology. Don’t leave it to chance.
When your company has to translate a text you need a specialist professional translator. CLAK offers specialist translation services for two sectors.

The industrial and technological sector. Engineering and the automotive industry. Technical manuals, product sheets, documentation for tenders, etc.
Clak only works with professional translators with extensive experience, who are evaluated by other professional linguists working in the target language before they work with Clak, so you can trust that, whatever the language, it’s the highest-quality translation.
At Clak, your project is unique. Clak offers personal service, with no middlemen, and with thorough monitoring and quality controls to ensure all the i’s are dotted and the i’s are crossed. All work is thoroughly checked; you can entrust your texts to Clak with absolute peace of mind.

Creative translation and advertising
Transcreation and copywriting. Websites, publicity campaigns, brand names, advertising on social media…
Did you know that..
- good copywriting or content creation can help increase your sales by 25%?
- ein a market saturated with information, advertising that isn’t persuasive risks being little more than empty paragraphs and hackneyed expressions that say nothing?
Trust Clak for your website text, advertising and regular content on social networks, PDF information sheets about your brand’s activity, and more. You’ll get quality texts that are detailed and powerful and that connect with the target market you want to break into.
Leave behind tired terms like “push the envelope” and “think outside the box” and stand out from the competition as a market leader.
Content creation
Make the most of it by trusting Clak for your content creation, saving you both money and effort, and get an editorial calendar adapted to your marketing and SEO positioning objectives.
Content that users find useful becomes trending content. Connecting with your audience will help you reach clients who don’t know about you yet. It’s not just about selling, but adding value.
Get results that are a faithful reflection of the original
Desktop Publishing
When you work with Clak, the final result always includes correctly formatted documents, that are ready to use, with as much care taken over format and appearance as the content. If you only need layout services, Clak works with PDF, Word, InDesign, FrameMaker, Visio, Poedit. Is your document scanned or non-editable? Clak recreates files in the format you need. Both the text and the images will look just like the original.
Clak does it all for you
Project management
Clak can also deal with projects in one or more languages, organise single or staggered deliveries, manage resources, offer multilingual layout, and more.
If you need ongoing translation services and want to streamline processes and save time, Clak can select and recruit professionals dedicated to your project.
For each account Clak creates a style guide, terminology glossaries and solutions adapted to your business.
Ready for publication
Proofreading of books, theses, dissertations, research or promotional articles, correspondence, etc.

Who is CLAK?
Andrea Barrocal has a degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Salamanca and has 9 years’ experience as a translator and project manager, working with clients locally, nationally and internationally in the language, automotive and creative industries, as well as other sectors. She has worked for large multinationals in the translation industry, managing national and international client accounts. Andrea belongs to the Association of Spanish Translators, Proofreaders and Interpreters (ASETRAD) and is a professional member of the Spanish Society of Modern Languages (SELM). She actively participates as a volunteer translator on the Valladolid platform for the promotion of art and culture, The Biombo, and with the University of Salamanca as a tutor on the Master’s in Translation and Intercultural Mediation.
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Need more information?
Let’s have coffee and make your words work for you.
Phone: 618 921 363